Monday, November 30, 2009


so since i haven't posted in a long time, i thought i would share an up-to-date picture of the kiddos, and what they like to do, so here goes......


rylee is everything girl, but also my tuff lil tomboy when she wants to be. she has to dress herself, because everything i pick is just not cool. if i do her hair, its undone in a couple of hours if i am lucky, and re-done by my rylee bug the way she wants it. she cannot be found without her lip gloss, but whatever makes her happy :) she loves to help me cook and bake, and is good at folding clothes which is a plus for me, because i hate folding clothes. rylee put together her whole outfit in this picture, including tying her own ribbon sash on, and doing her own hair. i love my rylee suzy-q


i don't think they come anymore boy than madden....he turns everything into his "GUN" loves playin cowboys with rylee, has to always be wearing his "boots" (they are irrigation boots from his halloween costume, but he loves them) he loves to play outside on his bike, strip down to his diaper (tryin to potty train, but not goin so good) and roll around in the dirt. it sometimes feels pointless to give him a bath, becuase he just ends up dirty five minutes later anyways. his
favorite show is nitro circus, and i am afraid he is going to grow up to be a motocross racer because of his love of motorcycles and daredevil/fear of nothing. i love my little man :)

1 comment:

Snort said...

Yeah, Porter isn't doing too hot on the potty training thing. I scared him when I let him fall into the toilet once, and now he's pretty much petrified of it.